Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kingdom adventure

Hey all. Please pray about joining us for this Kingdom adventure this Saturday. Read Rhonda Thomas's note below (read more of their recent story at her blog), see address at bottom of page, and let me know, so we have some idea of a head (AND PIZZA) count:

Ok first of all this is a very hard thing for me to do, I almost never ask for help. As most of you know my husband spent the past year in the hospital, actually admitted 20 times. We were pretty sure at one point he wasn't going to make it. But praise God we found a doctor at Stanford who figured out what was wrong and three days before Thanksgiving he had surgery {a tracheotomy, allowing him to breathe} and he is on the road to being well.

As I'm sure you can imagine our lives were spent in crisis mode quite often and it took all my husband had in him just to stay employed and provide for his family. Something he did an incredible job of! But everything else took a back seat and we are seeing that the work ahead of us is overwhelming, if not impossible to do by ourselves. We have had many many offers of help but haven't really been able to see clearly what we needed help with as we have just been focusing on learning to live this new life we have now and adjusting to the medical challenges and regaining health and strength.

So what do we need? Well....we have rented a dumpster and we are hoping to rally our friends to come help out on Saturday May 2nd from 10 am till it's done. We need the back and front yard cleaned up and hauled off! We could easily fill the dumpster and lots of trash bags. We don't have a lot of yard tools so if you have some you don't mind sharing that would be great!

We will provide pizza and plenty to drink and some of the biggest hugs you could ever imagine {Brandon has become a master at hugs!}. If this is something you think you could help with please message me here or call .. Our family would be eternally thankful and my husband will sleep better knowing he does not have as much responsibility and an just rest. Did I say that man amazes me? We are very blessed!

Thank you all my loved ones for all your blessings and support!!!

Love Rhonda~

4397 N Van Dyke Ave
just NE of Ashlan and West


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

shred on guitar on every song

David Crowder Band video for worship teams:

Jack wants to shred on guitar on every song:

Third Day: new meeting place, and special event: The Derauds: Art, Soul, and Listening to God

  We are thankful to our dear friends at New Creation Ministries for hostimng our meetings this fall, To celebrate: You won't want to mi...